
Rediscovering the Kingdom in Hospitality

10 Mar , 2020  

rediscovering the kingdom in hospitality

Biblical hospitality is a reoccurring pattern in the New Testament ministry of Jesus and the early church. It was a conduit through which kingdom activity flowed. A casual reading of scripture can cause this repeated dynamic to be overlooked. Paying closer attention to this detail however, can unveil one of God’s favorite places to move […]


Rediscovering the Power of Hospitality

4 Mar , 2020  

Rediscovering the power of hospitality

In our recent series of articles, we’ve learned that biblical hospitality is a readiness to welcome people into our home who don’t ordinarily live there. It’s a practice that releases Christ’s love in our hearts towards others. God moved through hospitality throughout the Old and New Testaments and wants to move through hospitality in our […]



Rediscovering Hospitality in Leadership

17 Feb , 2020  

rediscovering hospitality in leadership

When you think of the abilities needed to be a pastor today, what competencies come to your mind? Preaching? People skills? Administration? Financial stewardship? Leadership? The list could go on. There is one attribute, capacity or talent that Paul states in two different places. The passages have multiple verses but for the purpose of this […]



Rediscovering Origins of Hospitality

11 Feb , 2020  

origins of hospitality

Where and when were the seeds of Judeo-Christian hospitality planted for the first time? What were the underpinnings for this practice? To what level was it woven into the fabric of the faith story God was writing? The origins of hospitality are sacred in that they were part of the message from God to Moses […]



Rediscovering Hospitality

4 Feb , 2020  

Rediscovering Hospitality

I believe biblical hospitality is a forgotten treasure, hidden behind walls of individualism and event-driven church culture. Within this neglected spiritual muscle, is untapped potential for kingdom life that is transformational and flourishing. Like Indian Jones in The Raiders of the Lost Ark, I want to go on a journey through a series of articles […]
