
8 Online Group Learnings

28 Sep , 2020  

8 Online Group Learnings

For years I’ve prayed to see the online small group category take off in the groups ministries that I lead but I only ever experienced minimal results. I was able to see 1 or 2 online groups launch but there wasn’t much growth beyond that. At the time I am writing this, we now have […]



Prepping Your Online Small Group Environment

31 Jul , 2020  

Preppinng Your Online Small Group Environment

Thinking through the digital space of your online group will yield the same benefits as preparing your house for a home small group. In a past article, I wrote about 5 Keys for Creating an Irresistible Small Group Environment. In this article I want to share 15 Tips for Prepping Your Online Small Group Environment.The […]


Online Small Group Agenda

6 May , 2020  

Online Small Group Agenda

An online small group meeting is a different experience compared to a face-to-face small group meeting. Thanks to technology innovations, people can still meet despite limitations with time and space, but it should not be approached exactly the same as an in-person group meeting. While many aspects of facilitating a small group will be transferable […]



Hosting Small Groups on Facebook

20 Mar , 2020  

Hosting Small Groups on Facebook

Is it possible to transform a face-to-face small group into a Facebook small group? If you already have a Facebook account and a small group, you’re only a few steps away from making this shift. At the bottom of this article is a link to a free download with all the info you need. This […]



Now Hiring: Discipleship Entrepreneurs

9 Nov , 2017  

Discipleship Entrepreneurs, Small Groups

Dear Church Leader, If discipleship is boring to you it will be boring to those following your leadership. While nobody would openly confess this to be the case in their own context, it is an all too common occurrence in our modern church era. This is an unfortunate outcome given Jesus’ charge in Matthew 28:19 […]


Online Groups at the 2016 Lobby Gathering

16 Mar , 2016  

The Lobby 2016

I spent last week at the 2016 Lobby Gathering, hosted by the Small Group Network. It’s a fantastic week in Southern California at the Rancho Capistrano Retreat Center learning about small groups, connecting with good friends and networking with leaders. It’s not your typical conference either, in that, there are built-in times for people to […]
