
Campaign Calendar for Custom Content

15 Dec , 2020  

Calendar Church Wide Campaign

After reflecting on overseeing 7 Church Wide Campaigns with professionally published content, launching hundreds of groups and connecting thousands of people, there has definitely been many lessons learned. The biggest lesson has been how to wear multiple hats by planning the campaign 8 months out. Planning 8 months out is necessary when approaching a campaign […]



Small Group Connection Events

31 Mar , 2016  

Small Group Tailgate Party

What is your church’s strategy to FILL your small groups with your people? Announcements? Flyers? Sign-ups?  While these can help to get the ball rolling, they rarely generate the momentum needed to move hundreds or thousands of new people into groups. Enter the “Small Group Connection Event.” This is a strategic church wide or mid-size […]

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Launching a Church Wide Campaign with a Family Night

10 Jul , 2014   Video

If you’re looking to get your small groups ministry to achieve lift off, I would highly recommend you consider using a Family Night to get things rolling. As the pastor over small groups at Real Life Church in Sacramento, led by Pastors Scott and Karen Hagan, we recently held a Family Night to introduce our […]



Why Your Church Should Launch A Small Group Campaign

19 Dec , 2012  

small group launch

Most of us have been exposed to and experienced some type of church wide campaign. Whether it be the original “40 Days of Purpose” or the new abbreviated 4 week campaigns that are emerging today; church wide campaigns are a great way to jump-start your small groups if your just launching small groups, your small […]

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