
Prepare For The Group Meeting

11 May , 2012  

small groups

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Failing to plan is planning to fail?” For those of us who have made attempts at leading people in any context, we know the painful truth of that statement. Too many group leaders attempt to fly by the seat of their pants when it comes to facilitating a small […]

SGC Media


10 May , 2012  

Small Groups

Welcome to SmallGroupChurches.com! We’re believing to see churches grow, one small group at a time. Everyday we’ll be publishing new content to inspire, encourage and equip small group leaders. With our forum, we also provide the opportunity for you to contribute content to the community as well. If you want to post a testimony or […]


What A Small Group Is NOT

9 May , 2012  

If there isn’t focused leadership, crystal-clear vision and intentional mission a small group can quickly encounter many pitfalls. Remember, the vision and goals of a small group should be to grow, raise up new leaders and multiply into more small groups. When a small group loses that sense of calling, bad habits and ‘stinkin thinkin’ […]



What Is A Small Group?

8 May , 2012  


A small group is a small community. The reason it’s described as “small” is not because it is insignificant. It’s described in this manner to emphasize to the group members that’s it’s not an isolated community. It is only “small” in the context of the larger community it belongs to: the body of Christ. It […]


Rick Warren on Small Groups

7 May , 2012  

Rick Warren

In the included video Rick Warren makes some powerful statements regarding small groups in the context of the local church. Here’s what stuck with me: 1. “In order to have unity in your church, you have to have to create community. You can’t have unity without community, you can’t have community without unity.” 2. “A […]


Origins of Small Groups – Part 2

6 May , 2012  

Joel Comiskey

In the 2nd video, included below, Dr. Joel Comiskey describes some of the basic elements of small groups that he has studied. There is no exact formula, in my opinion, but the principles Joel Comiskeys conveys here are insightful in forming one’s philosophy of small group ministry.       Click on the link for […]


Origins of Small Groups – Part 1

5 May , 2012  

Joel Comiskey

In the included video, Dr. Joel Comiskey talks about the genesis of the small group model and philosophy. Dr. Comiskey uses the words “cell groups” to describe what we refer to as “small groups.” First, he references David Yonggi Cho’s church in Seoul, South Korea. Through small groups, Cho’s church grew to over 1 million […]


Setting Up Our Humble Studio

4 May , 2012  

small groups

Posted here is a pic of our humble filming studio for Small Group Churches. Here we will film short online videos for encouragement, equipping, special announcements and more. Our long term vision is to interview leaders and eventually launch our own video podcast as well. For now, look for us on YouTube at “SGChurches.”   […]

About Us

Our Vision – Mission – Values

3 May , 2012  

Small Group Churches Logo

Vision: To build an online community that encourages and equips small group leaders. It’s not hard for a small group leader to feel overwhelmed and alone on their quest to make a difference and help others grow. It’s important for every small group leader to know and experience the reality that they are a significant […]