One Day Groups Gathering with Scott Boren

Posted By: Andrew Mason

small groups


This past weekend I had the pleasure and honor of hosting the One Day Groups Gathering event with author and consultant, Scott Boren, as the Keynote Speaker. There was an amazing download of content shared throughout the day and I wanted to share a quick snapshot through a handful of quotes.

We had group leaders come out from four different churches from 9am – 3pm on a Saturday. When American believers are willing to give up their Saturday to grow in discipleship and community, that alone is a testimony!

Here are some thoughts and resources that were shared with us by Scott Boren…

Groups flourish when it’s “OUR” group versus “your” group. – Scott Boren

Be thankful for what God is doing… God is at work even in the ugliest of situations. – Scott Boren 

If you’re leading a small group, NEVER lead the ice-breaker yourself. A fourth grader has the ability to lead the ice-breaker. Use the ice-breaker as an opportunity to involve someone else from the group. – Scott Boren

 Ask the question, “How do we become a group that matters?” – Scott Boren  

Pay attention to your relational networks (friends, family, co-workers) and neighbors. Who are the neighbors and people in your networks who need an experience of God’s love? Identify four or five people and take time regularly in group meetings to pray for those people. -Scott Boren


Scott also shared with everybody the free download that is available on his website of “Cultivating Community in the Way of Jesus.” It’s a free e-book copy of the 100-page study guide for Missional Small Groups. 

Last but not least, we were joined by Real Life Church’s new Lead Pastor and SGC Contributor, Dean Deguara. This is the first time we’ve had three SGC Contributors under one roof…


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