
THE WHY Behind Small Groups

23 Nov , 2021  

the why behind small groups

Small group ministry for a church staff member or a volunteer can grow in the volume of tasks and activity. In other words, over time, the WHAT involved with Small Groups can increase in size and capacity. Unfortunately, learning a higher volume of the WHAT involved with Small Groups is not a substitute for being […]


A Discipleship Journey through the Pandemic

20 Oct , 2021  

The Pandemic has been an eye-opening experience in our society, especially in church trends. As churches have been back open consistently there is some immediate data beginning to come in. I wanted to share some reflections and observations that have been on my heart during this unique season in history… Video Notes: Article: Preparing the […]


Campaign Calendar for Custom Content

15 Dec , 2020  

Calendar Church Wide Campaign

After reflecting on overseeing 7 Church Wide Campaigns with professionally published content, launching hundreds of groups and connecting thousands of people, there has definitely been many lessons learned. The biggest lesson has been how to wear multiple hats by planning the campaign 8 months out. Planning 8 months out is necessary when approaching a campaign […]



8 Online Group Learnings

28 Sep , 2020  

8 Online Group Learnings

For years I’ve prayed to see the online small group category take off in the groups ministries that I lead but I only ever experienced minimal results. I was able to see 1 or 2 online groups launch but there wasn’t much growth beyond that. At the time I am writing this, we now have […]



Activate Evangelism with Evangelist Will Jones and Dr. Matt Queen

23 Sep , 2020  

Activate Evangelisn

Register for Activate Evangelism Online Workshop here: Pastor Andrew Mason interviews Evangelist Will Jones about his upcoming Activate Evangelism Workshop with Dr. Matt Queen. This is a free, one-hour workshop, available online. You can register to attend one of the following two sessions: Wed, Sept 30th at Noon CSTWed, Sept 30th at 7pm CST […]


Prepping Your Online Small Group Environment

31 Jul , 2020  

Preppinng Your Online Small Group Environment

Thinking through the digital space of your online group will yield the same benefits as preparing your house for a home small group. In a past article, I wrote about 5 Keys for Creating an Irresistible Small Group Environment. In this article I want to share 15 Tips for Prepping Your Online Small Group Environment.The […]


Dr. Jim Hanna – Spiritual Health Exercises

13 May , 2020  

spiritual health exercises

In this post I want to share a video interview with one of my friends Dr. Jim Hanna. I am interviewing Jim about Spiritual Health Exercises that he has personally used and shared with others. Make sure to download the PDF with the link below and enjoy the video interview…. Click Here for a PDF […]



Online Small Group Agenda

6 May , 2020  

Online Small Group Agenda

An online small group meeting is a different experience compared to a face-to-face small group meeting. Thanks to technology innovations, people can still meet despite limitations with time and space, but it should not be approached exactly the same as an in-person group meeting. While many aspects of facilitating a small group will be transferable […]



Hosting Small Groups on Facebook

20 Mar , 2020  

Hosting Small Groups on Facebook

Is it possible to transform a face-to-face small group into a Facebook small group? If you already have a Facebook account and a small group, you’re only a few steps away from making this shift. At the bottom of this article is a link to a free download with all the info you need. This […]



Rediscovering the Kingdom in Hospitality

10 Mar , 2020  

rediscovering the kingdom in hospitality

Biblical hospitality is a reoccurring pattern in the New Testament ministry of Jesus and the early church. It was a conduit through which kingdom activity flowed. A casual reading of scripture can cause this repeated dynamic to be overlooked. Paying closer attention to this detail however, can unveil one of God’s favorite places to move […]